Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Aw Taw Kaw Market, Bangkok

Grilled fish and prawns

The Aw Taw Kaw Market is diagonally across from the southwest corner of the Chatuchak Weekend Market, featuring everything from live seafood and produce to spices and cooked food. We popped on down here today for lunch like kids in a candy store, grabbing a little bit of everything left and right.

One of the first things that caught my eye was the grilled fish, which they happily handed over for a wallet-busting 140 Baht (US$3.50). This one was a bit of a bummer, actually, as it had been sitting there for a while, and hence was lukewarm. They provided some hot sauce that rescued it somewhat (don't make the mistake of eating the salt-encrusted - and still scaled - skin like I did...peel it off first), but this was still a bit dull. I still want to try to get some of those other ones off the street like I saw last time.

Mmm...crispy porkFortunately, there were some knockouts to come, most notably the crispy pork (I think it was kop mu yang), somewhat akin to Schweinshaxe, but with a couple Thai chili sauces. These kicked a$$, with a thick crispy and tasty degree of fat yet moist meat underneath. We got some curly pork rind slivers on the side too, which also came with a green pickle dip. And yakitori-like skewers of all sorts were abound, including tasty pork-based ones.

Simultanously making papaya saladOther treats to be found included the standard-issue papaya salad, as well as these deep fried little shrimp disk things. The latter unfortunately was a bit of a bummer as it wasn't as light as I would have imagined. Oh well. In the end, this place was a bit of a mixed bag for me, but it is always kinda fun to come look at food markets around the world.

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