Thursday, August 01, 2024

Bad Habits Provision in Singapore

Triple Cheese Pizza and Beer

Whoa, this place did a very impressive job of recreating New York City in this little alleyway (23 Mohamed Sultan Road). It wasn't just the crisp and light texture of the crust and garlicky tomato sauce, but everything else too, including the aromas pervading the tiny half-basement level venue, all while playing east coast hip hop gently in the background.

The menu is very short, and there isn't much space to sit, but there is a small three-seater counter in front of the chef, not to mention standing room outside in the alley. And the staff is down to earth too.

Yes, I definitely want to go back; there was a grilled broccolini salad that looked promising, and they are conveniently open late. It's also interesting to see how many big names are moving over to Mohamed Sultan now, including Lerouy, Meta, and Gavroche, plus all of the New Bahru shops around the corner like Artichoke, Coconut Club, Kotuwa, and One Fattend Calf.

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