Friday, June 05, 2020

Kotuwa by Cloudstreet in Singapore

Clockwise from left: lunu miris, crab cutlet, polos, dhal, coconut rotti, gova mallum with tomato sambol

So the guy behind Cheek Bistro was getting ready to open up a Sri Lankan place called Kotuwa earlier this year. But under the circuit breaker period, he ended up using the kitchen of his fine dining restaurant Cloudstreet (84 Amoy Street, 6513-7868) to do delivery.

I ordered a variety of things today, all of which were very unique, including not just the jackfruit-based polos curry at the top, but also some savory yet delicately done crab cutlets to the left of it. My favorite of all of these was the dhal on the right, which was so comfortingly balanced and rich that I kept going back for more. Nice.

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