Saturday, August 17, 2024

Some Buried Menu Selections at TamJai SamGor

Wula broth with rice, beansprouts, and hot lemon water

As much as I talk about TamJai SamGor, I have to admit that those slippery round noodles were never my preferred choice of carb. So I was happy to find that they have a rice option buried deeper into their menu, making it all much more palatable for me. I also liked how their seemingly boring plate of bean sprouts on the side was gigantic and wasn't topped with garlic like their other veggies. And I'm just going to get their lemon water from now on, as it's half of the price of the lemon cola and available hot. The only thing remaining for me to get right is the broth, as that hula sixiaola above was still a bit too earthy, so I should do see if a mala wuxiaola works for me next time.

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