I don't know about anyone else, but the selection of stalls at this year's Singapore Food Festival was much better than last year's. Granted, a number of folks made repeat appearances, like The Masses, Sourbombe, and Featherblade, and there were a number of other places like No 25 Minced Meat Noodle, Le Matin, and Ms Maria & Mr Singh. But I was particularly interested in the collaboration between Kausmo and Ah Hua, especially since Kausmo isn't around anymore. That snapper above might not be that interesting, but it was the nicely grilled piece of local fish that I would've expected from them.

The best thing I could find at the show was from this membership-based private diner in Osaka called Torofugu no Kai. I hesitated a bit at the S$28 (US$21) price tag for that sample above, but I got more value out of it that anything else that I ate today, featuring not only that pleasantly firm piece of torofugu karaage in the background, but also those two deliciously tender pieces of pike conger in the foreground. He's actually doing a few sessions in Singapore next month; even though I can't afford to attend, I can imagine that the course will be delicious.

I incidentally still ended up getting a few things from The Masses, like that ikura-topped waffle above, as well as a cold bánh canh cua. Both of them could have benefited from fewer ingredients in my opinion, and the fish eggs on top of both felt rather cliched. But I have to admit that the roe was probably the thing that drew my curiosity in the first place, and I was still happy to eat - and pay - for them both.
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