An old friend took me out to dinner tonight, saying that we were going to a mezcal bar that also served Oaxacan food (Colima 268, +52-55-6387-0358). It was upscale and modern, as seen in that amuse-bouche above, but fortunately the prices weren't too outrageous.

Obviously, I wasn't hungry after that marathon of food today. And I wasn't really in the mood for chapulines either. But since this place was Oaxacan Zapotecan, I caved out of obligation. As expected, they were sour, but also of good quality, so I still ate them all.

I also grabbed this fish, which tasted liked it looked, reminding me a bit of many of the Baja-Med places that I like to hit up in Tijuana. Oh, and in case you're wondering, I had a coffee here, but I'm pretty user it wasn't the Yuban that you're thinking of.
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