Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Lil' Orbitz Doughnuts and More

The Lil' Orbits Machine

After that nasty meal earlier, we eagerly scrambled down to some sort of food fair running at Takashimaya tonight to see if there were anything else to eat. We came across this cool little Lil' Orbits doughnut machine, which was not only like a miniature version of those machines at Krispy Kreme that push the doughnuts along in the grease and flip it automatically, but the doughnuts were miniature too. I bought a little pack of 12 doughnuts for S$4 (US$2.35) that were pretty good: lightly crispy on the outside and warm on the inside.

The thing I couldn't figure out though was that the big sign said that these were Japanese doughnuts, and yet this machine was actually from Minnesota. Perhaps they were just using the machine without the actual Lil' Orbits batter? I have no idea, but these were pretty good, and much better than other doughnuts that I've had in Asia.

A S$69 (US$40.60) MelonSeparately, it was interesting to see one fruit stand in this food fair selling Japanese fruit, including some of those notoriously expensive melons. This one ran for S$69 (US$40.60). I had no idea how it tasted since this wasn't exactly something that I was ready to squander any kind of money on, but if it's anything like a rather expensive melon that I once had in Japan (under the fortunate generosity of a corporate host's expense account), then I'm sure that it was deliciously yet delicately sweet and juicy.


  1. How dare they claim those are Japanese donuts! They've served those donuts at every summer festival in US midwest ever since my mom was a kid.

  2. oooh i was at the fair today too! tried some mango dessert which was pretty nice, but anyway what i want to know is, are the doughnuts glazed with anything like the lovely KK icing too? if they are i so need to get my ass down before the fair ends on sunday!

    oh and did u see the japanese ice-cream stall? Uzumaki i thk? i got the wasabi flavour the other day, and it was beyond naaaaasty! (thou i guess tt was to be expected haha) still definitely a memorable experience though!

  3. Nope - they had three flavors (bylined in Japanese too, mind you): plain, sugar, and maple, I think. No Krispy Kreme glaze here...sorry.

  4. I had similar donuts (same machine_ when I was in Japan... they had some special batter or something made of tofu, which was absolutely fantastic!

  5. "Something to Go" at the Regent has good donuts. Comes in three flavors:
    1. Sugar
    2. Chocolate hazelnut
    3. Blueberry custard
    Been buying their donuts for years

  6. Uzumaki, don't understand that line of people there at all... Never heard of it before, but even if they're exist there, I don't know how they claim to be "Japan's best ice cream" or whatever, that title belongs solely to Hobson's (and yes, it beats the pants off of Cold Stone too! :D )


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