Thursday, February 08, 2018

Asahikawa's Yakitori Tsuyoshi at Hokkaido Marche, Singapore


Yes, if you haven't realized by now, I'm making my way through every stall at Hokkaido Marche. Today's stall was this yakitori shop from Asahikawa, but set up Tori-Q style with pre-cooked room temperature skewers sitting in a glass case, dunked in an excessive amount of tare sauce and shoved into a bag. Yes, it was disappointing, but at least the tsukune were tender.

They also seemed to be known for their butadon above. The good thing was that the rice was wonderfully pearly and smooth (and fortunately without being excessive on the sauce), while the pork that had an occasional bit of tasty crispy fat. But some parts of that pork were terribly dry, the service was incredibly slow too. So I'm not rushing to come back, even if it was better than Butahage.

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