Sunday, September 08, 2024

Mharsanta Scottish Restaurant & Bar in Glasgow

Haggis, neeps, and tatties

Contrary to how it looks, the name of this restaurant is pronounced "Varsanta" (26 Bell Street, 0141-552-9900). And they serve Scottish food, so I stopped by for a serving of haggis, especially since I wasn't too happy with the vegetarian samples from yesterday.

The idea behind the vegetarian version is that the organ meat itself doesn't have much taste anyway since the taste comes more from the spices. But the difference stood out to me, as the vegetarian version tasted more like oatmeal, whereas the real one above was more bouncy thanks to the chopped up bits of heart, liver, and lungs. This shop sourced theirs from a supplier called Macsween, which seasoned it nicely enough that I inhaled this plate quickly, along with the neeps and tatties.

In case you're confused, the haggis is in the upper left quadrant of the plate above, whereas the tattie potatoes were on the right, and the neeps were the orange-colored rutabega mash underneath, flanked on both sides by a whiskey cream sauce. It was all savory but also soft like baby food, making it easy to eat.

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