Monday, November 16, 2020

Sichuan Ming Xiaochi at People’s Park Food Centre

Chuanbei Liangpi and Mala doufunao

After getting a bit of shopping done, we passed through the hawker center at People's Park again. And the thing that caught my eye about this stall (32 New Market #01-1044) was not the chuanbei liangpi front and center above, but instead the item in the corner: mala doufunao. Basically, it was warm douhua, but instead of being doused in the usual brown sugar syrup, this one was done with Chinese vinegar, chili, and assorted garnishes. One might think that it makes a quasi-mapo tofu, but it was much more like a savory doujiang that one gets in Taiwan, especially with the chopped zhacai pickles in there.

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