Friday, March 20, 2020

Chongqing's Hei Chuan Chuan in Singapore

Chuan Chuan Xiang

I've passed by here several times (291 South Bridge Road, 6908-5833), but the idea of putting skewers into hot pot just didn't resonate with me. Yet, tonight I realized that this is a chain from China, and in fact two competing chains from China are right next to it too. That got me interested, especially since this type of hot pot is called chuan chuan xiang. I wanted to see what it was all about.

Well, this shop is all-you-can-eat. Just walk up to the fridge and grab as many skewers of meat and veg that you want. I guess the skewers are meant to make it easier to portion, as well as fetch out of the broth. But otherwise, it was your usual mala hot pot, with a marginally sufficient broth and condiment selection. I wonder what their cold broth option is like though.

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