Saturday, February 07, 2015

Tonkotsu Ikkyu at Ramen Champion Singapore

Tonkotsu Ikkyu

I got really sick of Ramen Champion last year. The food had gotten so bad that I basically never wanted to go back. Still, I read something the other day that said that some stall called Tonkotsu Ikkyu had been crowned the winner this year. I was curious since I'd never heard of it before; it looks like it was created by the founder of Ramen Champion, strangely enough. Anyway, we needed something quick to eat at Great World City today, so I set my expectations for the worst and gave it a try.

The broth was much richer than I thought it would be, and fortunately they didn't overcook the noodles like I thought they would either. They actually seemed to take a bit of care in putting this bowl together, in contrast to the sloppy execution I'd seen previously. But I'm not going to get cravings for this. The broth was so thick and porky that it epitomized why I got so tired of tonkotsu ramen in the past year. I still prefer Takumen instead, and if I really wanted tonkotsu, I might go for the thinner one at Chabuton.

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