Thursday, September 06, 2012

San Jose's La Victoria in the Daytime

Chile Relleno and Lengua Taco

I don't think I've ever eaten at La Vic's while sober...or at least, not when the sun was still up. I kinda figured that it wouldn't be very good as a normal meal, but now I know for sure: it was pretty nasty. Sure, the famous orange sauce was still just as rich as I remember it to be, but the food itself was pretty gross, with excessively salty rice and those two strips of cheese on top of the chile relleno visually off-putting. It's amazing how alcohol makes places like this taste like the best thing in the world. Don't people say the same thing about White Castle?

1 comment:

  1. If you want to try, what I think, the best Mexican food in San Jose, you should go to Alicia's Cafe off Union in the Cambrian Park shopping center. The Chicharrone dinner is delicious!


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