This was a surprising find. Just before heading downstairs at KL airport to clear immigration, there is a McDonald's. I walked in just to see if there were any localization of the menu, and indeed there was: something called "Bubur Ayam McD." Not quite sure what it was, I ordered a small bowl at RM 4.10 (US$1) to check it out. It basically turned out to be like a Chinese rice porridge, but very savory. Sure, maybe the reason it was savory was for the same reasons why instant noodles are savory, but it sure tasted good. I was impressed.
They also had some "Ayam Goreng McD," which looked like fried chicken (it seems to be a big thing in Malaysia, eh?), but I didn't get to try it. I wish I did in retrospect, seeing that I won't get any food on the flight back (note to self: the food selection beyond immigration at KLIA is unremarkable, so eat beforehand next time!).
ayam goreng is fried chicken (: ayam = chicken, goreng = fried, bubur = congee. singapore served this porridge thingy before taking it off the menu.
The char siew from previous post *YUUMMYYY* salivates...
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