Friday, July 07, 2006

Star Alliance Refurbs at Narita T1 South Wing

The Narita beer machine is still thereAll the Star Alliance carriers recently consolidated at the South Wing of Narita Terminal 1 to help facilitate connecting flights, sporting new check-in counters and allegedly more efficient processing. I was a bit excited at this prospect, as I had assumed that United got themselves a new Red Carpet Club while they were at it. Unfortunately, it was the same lounge; it was really only the departure area that had changed (whose automated machines didn’t work for me, BTW), as well as maybe the gate area for the other airlines. But the United gates were basically the same.

They still had the cool Narita beer machine in the lounge though, and a glass of this stuff went down in the blink of an eye for me today. I had to be sure to get a last taste of fresh Japanese beer before leaving.

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