Friday, July 07, 2006

More Japanese Food on UAL

Chicken, salmon nigiri, and vegetable sushi

We had three choices on the flight back tonight, one of which was Japanese. That voice inside my head kept screaming, “Dude, don’t get the Japanese meal – you remember that nasty stuff they served last time, right?” But I was still in a Japanese mindset (especially after having so many good meals in Japan all week), and thus wasn’t in any mood for meat & potatoes. I also figured that it wasn’t often that I got the chance to get the Japanese meal on United, so I decided to give it another shot.

Grilled salmon shioyaki and shrimp saka-mushi with dengaku miso sauce, with simmered sato-imo, carrot, green beans and Hanagata rice with white sesame seedsWhoops. That was a mistake. It got started on the wrong foot with the appetizers, one of which claimed to be a salmon nigiri, but very oddly, the salmon was smoked (I might as well have put it on a bagel with cream cheese). Next up came the “grilled salmon shioyaki and shrimp saka-mushi with dengaku miso sauce, with simmered sato-imo, carrot, green beans and Hanagata rice with white sesame seeds.” This was a bummer too, as the shioyaki wasn’t exactly the typically crispy hot Japanese fish off the grill with a pinch of salt. Instead, this was steamed or something instead (then again, I’m on an airplane, so I guess I can’t exactly expect them to have a grill on hand). At least the shrimp were fresh, but that didn’t really make up for it.

Oh well. I guess I can’t expect much, especially since the bar had been raised so high this past week after being in Japan. A run to Cuppage Plaza is no doubt in the cards very soon.

1 comment:

  1. Love your new banner title Bryan. Keep up the awesome job!


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