Saturday, March 04, 2023

zum Kropf in Zurich, Switzerland

Geschnetzeltes Kalbfleisch Zürcherart

I had barely enough time during my layover in Zurich to quickly hop on the train into town and sample the local specialty: Zürcher Geschnetzeltes, or veal in a creamy white wine sauce. For some reason, I thought that the veal would be presented as a big Schnitzel-like cut, but instead it was sliced and served in a metallic vessel warmed by a tea light. It was tender and savory, and the Rösti was leagues beyond that stuff from Marché, being much more crispier, heartier, and saltier. This wood-paneled restaurant (In Gassen 16,+41-44-221-1805) had a gorgeously decorated ceiling too.

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