Saturday, March 04, 2023

Bacalhau à Posta from O Mercado at Lisbon Airport

Bacalhau à Posta

I've had couple of instances of bacalhau in these past few days, both in a small petisco form on bread, as well as in the fried pastéis/salgados form. Neither of those got me too excited, to be honest. But I wanted a simple bacalhau filet for lunch today, and fortunately the brightly lit food court at the airport had it available.

Sure, it was served in a cafeteria tray format, and some online reviews called it pretty lousy. But I don't have much of a reference point and still liked it, as it was exactly what I figured rehydrated fish to taste like: slightly tough, slightly salty, and slightly aged, but in a good way, kinda like dry cured meats or dry aged beef.

Actually, the bigger highlight on that plate for me was the arroz de tomate. It may look like that silly orange-colored "Spanish Rice" that one gets in the US, but this is totally different, being moist and refreshingly savory. I also had a bit yesterday and kinda wish I had some more.

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