Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Next Meats Yakiniku at Aburi-EN in Singapore

Stamina Karubi Teishoku

Aburi-EN is a commercialized chain that I never had any interest in, as most of the things on the menu looked terribly oversauced. But then I saw this promotion for meatless yakiniku this month, and I definitely wanted to try it given my obsession with different brands of plant-based meat. This one is from a supplier called Next Meats.

Ugh, it was worse than I had expected. I mean, my expectations weren't high to begin with, but there was no mistaking this for meat at all; the texture was like tofu (aburaage to be specific) or old school pre-Impossible vegetarian "mock meat". Worse, my fears about Aburi-EN materialized, as it was all drenched in an excessively sweet and salty sauce. Well, at least there were lots of veggies.

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