Saturday, November 16, 2019

My First Taste of Frikandel at Martin Zwerts

Frikandel Special

That brown cylindrical thing on the left is a frikandel, or a Dutch chopped meat sausage that is deep fried, split in half and covered in mayonnaise and raw onions. It basically tasted like it sounded, which meant that it was easy to eat, even if the mayonnaise was a bit sweet (come to think of it, most of the sauces at Martin Zwerts are a bit sweet). I have no idea if this was considered a good rendition or not, but I'm sure that it'd be great piping hot on a cold day after guzzling lots of beer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks a little dry and kinda skinny, but Martin got the fries right by the looks of them. #mayoforlife