Friday, April 12, 2019

Lindunli (Linton)'s Signature Suancai Yu at Chengdu Airport

Suancai Yu

There aren't very many food outlets to choose from at Chengdu Airport (there was one stall selling those local spicy rabbit heads, but I just wasn't in the mood). So I was happy to have come across this little stall doing its signature pickled vegetable fish dish above. It didn't look like much at first, but this might've in fact been the best thing I've eaten all week, as the pickles (which includes green chili peppers by the way) in this thing delivered just the right balance of salty, sour, and spicy flavors, all while being kept scaldingly hot under a thick layer of oil. I was sweating so much after eating this that I had to step outside into the cold for at least 15 minutes just to cool off afterwards. I feel sorry for whomever is going to sit next to me on the plane.

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