There were a couple of things that I really wanted to try while I'm here in Lyon, the first of which is a locally origin-protected Bresse chicken. It's usually done up in a mushroom sauce, and this small chain of bouchons had it. Yes, it was tender and satisfying (particularly the skin), despite being breast meat. But generally speaking, the chicken didn't strike me as anything that different. Maybe my palate isn't refined enough to know any better and/or maybe the sauce covered it up a bit (it was pretty mild). But I was happy with this nonetheless.

The other item that I wanted to get was a veal's head. No, they didn't bring out the entire skull, but rather just the meat and skin, cooked in a stock and plated with potatoes. It was extremely tender, with the skin providing extra flavor and a bit of a gelatinous texture, complemented with a bit of ravigote sauce on the side. The food around here is definitely hearty, that's for sure, and there is no way that one leaves places like this hungry. I'm glad that I came to this shop too; I was pretty much the only person in there not speaking French.
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