Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Osaka's Ebi-Tori Menzo in Singapore

Original Ebi Tsukemen

Yep, this week has so far been all about new ramen shops. Today's is an ebi tsukemen shop from Osaka that has opened an outlet at South Beach Avenue (26 Beach Road #B1-18, 9880-0519). I was pretty disappointed though. Apparently one was supposed to eat each of the ingredients in a clockwise sequence, starting with the chashu and onwards to the sweet potato, etc. But there was nothing cohesive to pull it all together; it was as if I were eating different parts of a salad. Granted, a squeeze of lemon perked it up a little, and the thick prawn broth was passable. But it also wasn't the fragrant beauty that Keisuke made many years ago. I think that thing (and his cruel termination of it) has scarred me for life.

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