Friday, February 09, 2018

No Signboard Geylang's Dry Prawn Bee Hoon

Dry Prawn Bee Hoon

We went to No Signboard's Geylang outlet tonight, particularly for their crab bee hoon that the other No Signboard outlets don't seem to have. But the crabs were going for a whopping S$80 (US$60) a kilo, so we figured that we'd get the much cheaper S$26 (US$20) prawn version instead, hoping that it would taste similar at a much cheaper price. And the good thing was that it was indeed deliciously savory and well-rounded, while the prawns were naturally sweet. Yes, this was a good deal as long as you didn't order other things like veggies, beer, and dessert, which ended up pushing the bill back up to three times that amount.

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