That was odd. While skimming through United's in-flight entertainment system on this morning's early flight, I noticed the parental warning underneath the Bourdain episode. The first three sounded typical: adult themes, language, and alcohol. But the fourth one was odd: seafood preparation. Huh? When did seafood preparation become unsuitable material? Is it too graphic or something?
according to my housemate, it can be graphic to someone like her. she turns green just staring at fishes in the "face" and she only eats shrimp with no heads attached.
yes, i have had several american expat colleagues who can't stand the sight of fish heads, they refuse to eat fish head curry or even look at any dish with fresh fish in them. sad but true.
I remember a Bourdain episode where he had Korean hot pot and had a live octopus jammed into the pot of hot bubbling soup. That was graphic.
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