Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sights from the Banyan Tree Bintan

Nanas Baby Pineapple

Here were just a few random sights from the Banyan Tree today. Instead of those little bananas from yesterday, today they provided a little pre-cut baby pineapple in our room, coupled with local sea salt. This one wasn't very sweet nor juicy though. I am not sure if it was meant to be this way, or if it just wasn't ripe yet.

Bihun Goreng

Next up are just some random noodles that we got poolside again (albeit at a different pool this time), as well as some steamed rice that I remembered to get with my bowl of soto ayam.

Bintang Beer

And finally, one can't go to Indonesia without some local Bintang Beer. Well, I have to confess that I didn't drink this in my effort to detox after last weekend. But it made for a nice photo.

1 comment:

  1. oooh, that is lovely shot, i have a similar pic.
    love your blog.


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