Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Back to Menya Musashi's Normal Menu


It looks like Menya Musashi Singapore has dropped some of the specials that they had previously, including not only the awesome thick nitomen, but also a curry ramen that I was hoping to try tonight. The only special remaining was the aged miso that I had last time, so I fell back on the normal menu, in this case the red broth with a triple portion of noodles.

It didn't look encouraging at first. The egg looked very sad, while the yakibuta in front looked dry and shriveled rather than the beautifully charred marbled pork pictured on the menu. Fortunately, it tasted much better than it looked, allowing me to clear it all quickly. The broth was salty and thick, but the addition of some dashi made it drinkable to the last drop. I'm full now!

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