Ohsumi (Cuppage Plaza #03-24, 6737-3996) provides a S$43 (US$26.90) tabehoudai all-you-can-eat option for their pork shabu shabu, which I've been salivating at for ages, but only finally went through with tonight. Instead of bringing out a little bit of meat at a time though, these guys took the opposite tack by giving you such a huge plate that it would be unlikely that you would order more, especially after filling your belly with the all-you-can-drink alcohol option in the process (yes, non-stop beer and sake for S$24 or US$15 more, which is quite a good deal, especially considering Singapore's extraordinarily high alcohol charges). Fortunately, Ohsumi's three cuts of pork are consistently good enough that we still cleared it all (none of that nasty stuff from Waraku here). But yeah, admittedly that was so much that I've had my fill of pork shabu shabu for a long time. I'm definitely still open to beef though (evil grin).
Well, this was also meant to be another purifying recovery meal on the rationale that little or no oil is used in boiling these cuts in a light broth. Unfortunately, being pork, there was a lot of naturally occurring oil that wasn't completely obvious until we did the usual practice of scooping off the floating blood from the pot with the strainer. One look inside the disposal bucket showed a very surprising amount of oil for something that required no oil to begin with. Then again, I suppose that bacon doesn't really require any oil in order to prepare it either.
Non-stop beef and pork? What's not to love? Enjoy your blog immensely. Can I ask you what type of work you do for a living? I'm graduating from SMU next year and would love to be able to travel all over Asia for work.
heh heh.. 'purifying' sounds weird cominh from you .. :]
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