Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Kin Za Georgian Kitchen in Berlin, Germany


It's not often that I get a chance to eat Georgian food, so when I noticed that this place was near our meeting venue in Berlin today, I hopped over for a quick lunch (Krausnickstraße 23). The portions were pretty big, so I had to drop the khachapuri bread that I wanted to try. But I got these khinkali dumplings, which were huuuge, and they were soup-filled!

There were no spoons to use for the usual xiaolongbao technique, so I had to quickly look up a video online to realize that one is supposed to grab it by the super thick top and then invert the dumpling to ingest the broth. Inside was a pleasantly meaty yet herbal lamb patty, and it was complimented by some dill-heavy cucumbers. I'd like to try more on the menu here.

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