Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Avci Bistro Döner Kebab in Berlin, Germany

Döner Box

The other food item that immediately comes to mind when I think of Berlin is doner kebab, and there was a stand at Wittenbergplatz that was open late. I was bit concerned that it looked a bit touristy being one of several kiosks in the middle of a park, but online ratings suggested it was good, so I went ahead and ordered.

I was pretty disappointed with it though, as it was salty without being tasty, and the sauce just was sweet without being spicy. Even the onions underneath it weren't very fragrant. I should try to figure out where I had that nice one last time.

Perhaps more interesting was that mine was served in a cardboard box. I realized that this was a function of me mumbling in German, as they must have heard me say Döner Box instead of Döner im Brot. Well, at least this was a relatively keto meal then, outside of whatever sugar was in that sauce.

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