Monday, January 08, 2024

Sam Leong's Guest Chef Menu at IHH Healthcare

Ah Sam La MIan

That was a nice surprise: the Parkway healthcare folks have dishes created by Sam Leong on their hospital menu, featuring things like those noodles above, or a Thai-influenced barramundi as well. And given that it was hospital food, it was decently healthy and light, and was able to hold up after delivery. Now that I look it up, this is the second time that I've tried his food, but none of it was ever at his (previously) Michelin-starred restaurant.


I Love Teh Tarik! said...

It actually looks good for hospital food.....

finchy said...

I do hope you are okay!

bma said...

Yes, thank you. Discharged but recovering so not very mobile at the moment and hence the lack of posts.