Wednesday, June 07, 2023

Wayang by Ayam Penyet Ria at Funan

Peaking Duck

This ayam geprek stall from the Ayam Penyet Ria folks had a sign that said that their sambal was "SPICY A.F.," which naturally drew me in (107 North Bridge Road #B2-K07). There were three choices available, with my Balinese spicy matah advertised as being the spiciest. But it wasn't spicy. Or at least, it was more about sliced garlic than it was about chili. Fortunately, that fried duck above was pleasantly moist and fatty while being surrounded by a light and crispy skin. I'm willing to come back to try their "fiery" and "extremely spicy" belacan next time, but I really hope it's not sweet.

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