Saturday, March 04, 2023

My Bifana Shootout: As Bifanas do Afonso vs O Trevo

Afonso's Bifana

Admittedly, pork sandwiches were not high on my priority list given that I had already tried beef pregos at places like Ramiro. Still, a shop called As Bifanas do Afonso (Rua da Madalena 146) was on my walking path this morning, and was apparently one of the best, so I stopped in for a quick breakfast. OMG, it was sooooo good! It wasn't just the delicate marinade of the meat, but also that light and chewy bread soaking up the juices. There were bottles of piri-piri oil for the occasional assist when needed, but it was good enough without it. It was so good that I nearly ordered a second one, although I held back in order to preserve some stomach space.

O Trevo's Bifana

And that stomach space was saved for another bifana shop called O Trevo (Praça Luís de Camões 48, 21-346-8092), which is probably more famous due to its central location and Bourdain visit. But yeah, this one wasn't as good, in part because of the denser bread, but also since the meat wasn't as delicately marinated. Still, they had piri-piri oil (yes, I'm calling it oil now instead of sauce, as it really is a chili oil rather than that thick sauce that Nando's makes) that I used to propel the sandwich into my belly. These bifanas kinda remind me of those tripe sandwiches from Florence.

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