Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sukiyaki from Hakata Nihon Ryori


Here's the sukiyaki from Hakata. Due its sweetness, I usually don't eat sukiyaki too often, but yesterday's episode of Japan Hour apparently planted a subliminal thought in our heads.

SaladAs you can see here, these guys provided individually sized portions rather than being in any big communal pot on a flame. Yes, it was sweet, but dipping it in the egg saved it for me. This actually came in a big set that included a mess of other stuff (like chawanmushi, which I'm usually not a huge fan of either), but I suppose that I didn't mind the side salad nor rice with tsukemono and miso shiru. Anyway, let's move on...


DarkWing said...

this is a really interesting blog!
..but now im hungry :(

Anonymous said...

I envy your life

*smashes cup noodles against the wall*

Anonymous said...

other great places for food blogs...