Here's another page from the annals of local drinks. The first is the local Chongqing Brewery's "Premium" beer. It was much better than I fact, I liked it better than the more widespread Tsingtao. But it definitely has those rice overtones of Chinese beer, if you don't mind that.
I discover your blog today. I would like to read your next posts. Would you be so kind to send me the adress of your rss feed.
Thanks. Actually, Blogger seems to use a standard algorithm for RSS and Atom feeds: simply use the blog's URL and append a "rss.xml" or "atom.xml" following a slash as needed.
Or to more directly answer your question, the RSS feed is
I put a My Yahoo! button at the bottom of my template a while back to make it easy, but that of course is Atom-based. I suppose I should put an RSS button down there one of these days too.
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