Friday, July 07, 2006

Breakfast at Kobe Ranputei Gyu-don

Gyudon setto to natto

Here's just a quick breakfast that we grabbed this morning from Kobe Ranputei, a 24-hour chain selling convenient and quick beef bowls like Yoshinoya. I grabbed a basic set, complete with miso soup and a raw egg to mix into my bowl (I grabbed a side of natto to make it even more local). This was fine; it seemed mildly sweeter and more tender than Yoshinoya, although admittedly it's been a while since I've had Yoshinoya in Japan, so my memory may be a bit faded. Well, this is just a quick way to start the day anyway.


  1. Hey dude, sorry we missed you this time around. Maybe on your next trip?:) Just thought I'd remind you that Yoshinoya (Yoshi-gyu) in Japan hasn't had gyu-don on their menu since BSE reared its ugly head here. I haven't gone to Yoshinoya in something like 2 years because of that...:(

  2. Yeah, I was wondering about the ban on US beef is still in effect in Japan, eh? Those guys must be dying without the ability to sell gyu-don!

    So I suppose that these other guys are using Japanese or Australian beef instead?


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