Monday, March 06, 2006

Tao Kae Noi - the Tom Yum version

Tao Kae Noi - Tom Yum Goong flavor

Here is the tom yum goong version of that Thai seaweed, Tao Kae Noi. It was surprisingly still very light in taste (and looked nothing like the pieces in the picture on the packaging with the chili powder sprinkled on top). I was hoping for more kick, but maybe that will come in the chili version that I saw the other day at 7-Eleven.


  1. Just spent a lot of time reading through your past entries and I couldn't even finish 2-3 months! Your blog is so interesting I cannot get enought! Thank you~~ yummy!

  2. i love the wasabi flavour from this brand. :)

    where did u buy it from? i bought mine in bangkok.

  3. Hello Travelling Hungryboy! I am on the hunt for Tao Kae Noi, which 7-11 stores in Singapore carry them? Your advice much appreciated, thanks! Cheers

  4. hi,

    I just try the hot & spicy one..but not really hot..therefore there is no kick on that..hehe...
    But overall is still quite nice one

  5. Hey Travelling HungryBoy, I'm addicted to the Tom Yum version! But I like the Hot and Spicy too.
    To Anonymous, they're available in Cold Storage Taka and Great World, and some Guardian stores :)


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