Saturday, October 15, 2005

Taiwanese Oyster Omelettes

Oyster Omelette

This is a local specialty: oysters in a glutinous corn starch grilled in grease and doused in a sweet sauce. I never really liked this stuff since the sauce kinda ruins it for me, but I do like the greasy bits that don't get hit by the sauce. Anyway, this is a very Taiwanese thing that one can't really get anywhere else.


Anonymous said...

The sauce makes it unique, definitely a taiwanese thing. You should check out the thai version, it has lime juice and fish sauce instead. Yummy!

Anonymous said...

a friend in SF recently stumbled upon this particular entry & sent me the link to your food blog. i've no idea what drove her to do searches for for taiwanese food, guess she was craving but can't get any b/c she's all the way out there.
i am lucky that i get to have oyster omelette or any other taiwanese street food whenever i want. i do take shots of food but post them in online albums rather than in blogs.
anyways, just thought i'd drop by and say 'hello'. keep up the good work & keep on eatin'!