Friday, May 13, 2005

Hometown (Sichuan) Restaurant

Hometown (Sichuan) Restaurant

This is a surprisingly authentic Sichuan joint on Smith Street in Singapore. It's just as excessively oily and salty as you would get in the mainland, but only borderline excessive that it still tastes good without getting sick.

Be sure to get the string beans...the best I've ever tasted - full of salt, grease, garlic, and dry chili peppers.

The mabo tofu is pretty good, as is the hot & sour noodles and spicy crab (the crab is naturally a bit sweet!).


The sour shoestring potatoes are unique, but unfortunately the "water cooked fish" (directly translated from Chinese - what a strangely misleading and unappetizing name. Nothing could be further from the truth - it is more appropriately called "spicy red chili oil drenched fish") is not that fresh - try Chuan Restaurant on Purvis Street for that. But Chuan uses too much peppercorn - one could argue that makes Chuan even more authentic, but I find that tongue-numbing feeling just distracts from the experience of enjoying the food itself.

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