Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My First Yellowtail Collarbone...Maybe

Hamachi Kama Teishoku

Grill Fish Nagato had this hamachi kama as a special today. Apparently I grabbed the last one too since they took the sign away after I ordered. I couldn't remember if I had had yellowtail collarbone before (or was it tuna jaw?), but hey, at only S$16 (US$13) for the set, it was surely still a good deal for something that was considered a delicacy.

Yes, the meat was very tender, despite an appearance that suggested it might be a bit tougher. It was a bit strange to eat at first given all of those fins and bones to navigate around, but these bones were pretty thick, making it actually a bit easier to eat than other fish that require plucking out a bunch of little bones. Admittedly, I won't get cravings for this stuff either (maybe I need to eat a more expensive proper version to get truly spoiled), but it was interesting to try.

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